segunda-feira, 21 de junho de 2021

Casanova's dirty hard-on secret

Hey it's Karen Blixen... and I run into this a lot: a guy gets in a real bad slump, and just can't get laid anymore. Honestly, so much of this is psychological… and at a certain point, you become your own worst enemy (trust me, I've been there). So if you want to snap out of it and start getting laid again, below I'll show you 5PROVEN methods to turn hot girls on and get them in bed… no matter how long it's been. Check it out below, and cheers man.
Author: Amelia Lux
Read Time: 3 minutes
Author: Ella Banks
Read Time: 4 minutes
Author: Karen Blixen
Read Time: 3 minutes
Want to get her turned on? Try this interesting trick...

The other day I'm at Starbucks, half awake, and in walks a girl who was hotter than my coffee…

She was wearing heels, her hair and makeup both carefully put together, this sexy little pantsuit that revealed the perfect amount of cleavage...and me?

I was almost instantly turned on just by looking at her… she was THAT hot (or at least in my opinion)

I looked like crap, smelled bad, and my breath probably wasn't exactly minty….but I still muttered to make eye contact and blurt out "Hi"

To my surprise...she smiled and said "Hi" back, and for some caught me a little off guard.

I wasn't really sure what to say to her…

But that's okay, I knew I could have a normal conversation, without having to make her laugh or be clever and STILL get her to like me, all while getting her panties soaked.

How? far the fastest and easiest way I've ever learned to build a connection and seduce a woman is by using my touch. have to be careful.

Touch her in the wrong spot at the wrong time and you can come off as a little creepy.

Touch her for a little too long and she might catch on to what you're doing and pull away…

BUT, there are a few spots crawling with nerve endings, that feel really pleasant to the touch, and aren't obvious at all.

As a matter of fact these spots seem really innocent, so she'll have no idea why she's getting so turned on, she'll just think it's the natural chemistry between you two.

And everytime you touch one of these spots she'll get a little tingle…

That tingle feels nicer and nicer everytime you touch her…

You'll notice her become more engaged in the conversation, making stronger eye contact, really paying attention to everything you're saying, and she might start getting touchy herself...

Next thing you know her panties are soaked…

And that's essentially what happened with me and this gorgeous coffee shop girl.

We had a very normal conversation, a little bit of banter, but a lot of subtle touching.

At first she just seemed to stick around to be polite, but the more I touched these secret spots the more she became engaged in the conversation.

Soon she was holding eye contact for much longer periods of times.

She became flirtier, and even touchy herself.

And next thing I know we're holding hands and crossing the street to grab lunch together.

This is the power of touch.

It's stealthy.

It turns women on.

And it doesn't require you to remember any smooth or phony lines:

Click here to learn how to use your touch in a way to turn women on fast, in a way that feels completely natural and flies under her radar.

-Karen Blixen

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